Results for 'RIG exploit kit'
Internet Explorer users still targeted by RIG exploit kit
March 2, 2023 - Despite a very slim browser market share, Internet Explorer (IE) is still being exploited by exploit kits like the RIG exploit...
RIG exploit kit campaign gets deep into crypto craze
January 9, 2018 - There isn’t a day that goes by without a headline about yet another massive spike in Bitcoin valuation, or a story...
RIG exploit kit distributes Princess ransomware
August 31, 2017 - We have identified a new drive-by download campaign that distributes the Princess ransomware (AKA PrincessLocker), leveraging compromised websites and the RIG...
RIG exploit kit takes on large malvertising campaign
September 27, 2016 - There has been an interesting battle between two exploit kits in the past few months. Following the demise of the Angler...
A look into some RIG exploit kit campaigns
July 26, 2016 - In the past few weeks we’ve talked about the Neutrino and Magnitude exploit kits. This time, we take a look at...
Convincing YouTube look-alike fires RIG Exploit Kit
August 25, 2014 - The lure of salacious videos is often used to trick people into downloading and running malware. As you will see in...
GandCrab ransomware distributed by RIG and GrandSoft exploit kits (updated)
January 30, 2018 - This post was authored by Vasilios Hioueras and Jérôme Segura Update (2018-04-16): Magnitude EK has switched from Magniber to GandCrab. Update (2018-02-28): Major...
Exploit kit shakedown: RIG EK grabs Neutrino EK campaigns
August 16, 2016 - Exploit kits are going through some strange phases these days. Two major malware distribution campaigns, namely Pseudo Darkleech and EITTest traditionally...
Exploit kits
Short bio An exploit kit is a toolkit designed to facilitate the exploitation of client-side vulnerabilities most commonly found in browsers...
Short bio The term “rootkit” comes from “root kit,” a package giving the highest privileges in the system. It is used...