Results for 'bunitu'
Who’s Behind Your Proxy? Uncovering Bunitu’s Secrets
August 5, 2015 - Disclaimer The following research is the result of a collaboration with ad-fraud fighting firm Sentrant. Analysts from both the Sentrant and Malwarebytes teams have...
Revisiting The Bunitu Trojan
July 13, 2015 - This post describes the infection process of the latest version of the Bunitu Proxy Trojan as seen delivered by the Neutrino...
Short bio Botnets are networks of computers infected by a botnet agent that are under hidden control of a third party....
Exploit kits: winter 2019 review
February 12, 2019 - Active malvertising campaigns in December and the new year have kept exploit kit activity from hibernating in winter 2019. We mostly...
Exploit kits: Spring 2018 review
June 12, 2018 - Since our last report on exploit kits, there have been some new developments with the wider adoption of the February Flash...
Expired domain names and malvertising
September 5, 2017 - In Q1 and Q2 of 2017, we noticed a sharp decline in drive-by downloads coming from compromised websites. The campaigns of...
Exploit kits: Fall 2016 review
November 9, 2016 - There have been interesting developments with exploit kits in the past few months to say the least, with the disappearance of...
The Casino Malvertising Campaign
November 17, 2015 - We identified one of the largest malvertising campaigns in recent months going through 10 different ad domains receiving massive volumes of Internet traffic....
A Week in Security (Aug 02 – Aug 08)
August 11, 2015 - Last week, we saw a fake Android alert that blames Chinese hackers, a peculiar Facebook phishing campaign that is after your...
Advert Strikes Out Via Copycat Gaming Site
July 27, 2015 - It’s always interesting to identify the source of an infection, especially when it comes to exploit kits. Beyond identifying the various...