Results for 'flash'
Data theft forum admins busted after flashing their cash in a life of luxury
August 13, 2024 - Alleged WWH Club admins have been charged with cyberfraud in the US after they gained attention by spending large amounts of money.
Adobe Flash Player reaches end-of-life
January 6, 2021 - “What now? My farm is no longer working. Can you have a look, honey?” Like millions of other people my wife...
GreenFlash Sundown exploit kit expands via large malvertising campaign
June 26, 2019 - Exploit kit activity has been relatively quiet for some time, with the occasional malvertising campaign reminding us that drive-by downloads are...
New Flash Player zero-day used against Russian facility
December 5, 2018 - For the past couple of years, Office documents have largely replaced exploit kits as the primary malware delivery vector, giving threat...
Blocks for Flash and others coming to Office 365
June 1, 2018 - If you’re a user of Microsoft Office products such as Word and Excel, you’re probably aware that they’ve been used as...