
detection icon

Short bio

Virus.Renamer is Malwarebytes’ detection name for a virusthat also displays worm-like behavior by copying itself to network shares. It also downloads and installs other malwareon infected systems.The virus renames legitimate files and hides them. It then takes the place of those files.


block Virus.Renamer

Malwarebytes blocks Virus.Renamer

Home remediation

Malwarebytes can detect and remove Virus.Renamer without further user interaction.

  1. Please download Malwarebytesto your desktop.
  2. Double-click MBSetup.exeand follow the prompts to install the program.
  3. When your Malwarebytes for Windowsinstallation completes, the program opens to the Welcome to Malwarebytes screen.
  4. Click on the Get started button.
  5. Click Scan to start a Threat Scan.
  6. Click Quarantineto remove the found threats.
  7. Reboot the system if prompted to complete the removal process.

Malwarebytes can not retrieve the original, renamed and hidden files. You may want to run the Windows System File Checker after the removal has been done.

Business remediation

How to remove Virus.Renamer with the Malwarebytes Nebula console

You can use the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Nebula console to scan endpoints.

endpoint menu

Nebula endpoint tasks menu

Choose the Scan + Quarantine option. Afterwards you can check the Detections pageto see which threats were found.

Nebula detections

On the Quarantine pageyou can see which threats were quarantined and restore them if necessary.

Nebula Quarantaine