Top Contributors

Oren Arar

From the cyber trenches of Israel's Unit 8200 to the high towers of Malwarebytes in New York, Oren Arar, our VP of Consumer Privacy, has spent two decades making the internet a no-go zone for digital mischief-makers, armed with nothing but his wits and a couple of fancy degrees.

Jovi Umawing

Knows a bit about everything and a lot about several somethings. Writes about those somethings, usually in long-form.

Adam McNeil

Senior Malware Intelligence Analyst

Over 10 years of experience busting scams and taking keys. Also known as Kamikaze Joe to his drone pilot friends.

Akshay Bhargava

Chief Product Officer, Malwarebytes

Akshay is the Chief Product Officer at Malwarebytes and enjoys technology, business, the stock market, cybersecurity, leadership, yoga, and basketball.

Anna Brading

Anna Brading is Editor in Chief at Malwarebytes Labs which means she writes, talks and lives all things cybersecurity. She’s interested in social media, privacy and helping people stay safe online.

Andrew Brown

Researcher doing my bit to clean up the Internet for 4 years now. Other interests: Napoleonic Armies, Law, Politics, Alternate News, sci-fi and horror films (a massive zombie fan) and enjoy PC gaming.

Armando Orozco

Senior Malware Intelligence Analyst

Faux geek who likes to keep it bland. Experienced in behavioral, PC, and mobile technologies.

Cecile Nguyen

Social Media Strategist

Mayor of Value Town. Player of hockey. Mad skillz as an ADC in League of Legends.

Charles Campenni

Security Analyst

Moved from management to malware intel in 2017. Hates when people call sauce "gravy."

Adam Kujawa

Director of Malwarebytes Labs

Over 14 years of experience fighting malware on the front lines and behind the scenes. Frequently anachronistic.

Chris Fistonich

PhD Candidate in Immunobiology, Yale University. Malwarebytes researcher. Opera singer.

Dana Torgersen

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Dana is a veteran product marketer with more than 10 years in the infosec industry. He helps businesses, schools, and government agencies understand how they can protect their endpoints against advanced threats including exploits, malware, and ransomware attacks.

Doug Swanson

I’m the Chief Technology Officer and I like to write code on Notepad.

Gleb Malygin

Technical Program Manager

Hossein Jazi

Special interest in tracking APTs

Ilai Bavati

Ilai is a technology writer and editor based in Tel Aviv covering topics ranging from machine learning and cybersecurity to cloud computing and the Internet of Things. Interested in the real-world application of emerging technologies and how our increasingly connected reality is both disruptive and potentially life-saving.

Jean Taggart

Senior Security Researcher

Incorrigible technophile who loves to break stuff and habitually voids warranties.

Jérôme Boursier

Principal Security Engineer

Security at Malwarebytes, AdwCleaner, Privacy, Adware/PUP. 8E7F 8550 9FBD 9ED8 E68F ACB9 18E8 99E6 80C4 FF62

Josh Frisby

Founder of

Joshua Frisby is the Founder of His mission is to help users protect passwords, whether for personal, family, or business use.

Joshua Cannell

Malware Intelligence Analyst

Gathers threat intelligence and reverse engineers malware like a boss.

Kacy Zurkus


Spirit junkie and literary enthusiast turned cyber-scribe.

Ken Liao

VP, Product Marketing

With 10 years of information security experience, Ken is responsible for bringing Malwarebytes' corporate solutions globally to market. He has experience working on security solutions in the field as a solutions architect with some of the world's largest organizations.

Logan Strain

Logan Strain, author for Crimewire Father, writer, and reformed Usenet troll. Lives in San Diego. Doesn’t surf, but should learn.

Marcelo Rivero

Malware Intelligence Analyst

Playing the cat-and-mouse with malware for +10 years – ex-Microsoft MVP – Malware Researcher with special focusing on ransomware.

Marcin Kleczynski

CEO and Co-Founder of Malwarebytes

Likes long walks on the beach and hates fish.

Nathan Scott

Lead Malware Intelligence Analyst

Osama Tahir

Osama Tahir is a writer who covers online privacy, science, and the sociological impact of technology in modern times. He is a contributing author at Hackernoon and The Globe Post.

Paul Kincaid

Watching for the bad guys to attack, making sure we know what happens when they do, and helping the business quickly recover. Huge baseball and data nerd.

Philip Christian

Cybersecurity writer at Malwarebytes. Types his missives on a manual typewriter.

Rebecca Kline

Chief Marketing Officer

Has created really, really, ridiculously good-looking growth in the company's B2B and B2C markets. Resident IPA expert.

Robert DeStefano

Helping organizations stop cybercriminals and recover time for IT/security teams to be strategic business partners.

David Ruiz

Pro-privacy, pro-security editor. Former journalist turned advocate turned cybersecurity defender. Still a little bit of each. Failing book club member.

Robert Hafner

I’m the Vice President of Information Technology at Malwarebytes and I like poker and programming.

Sam Chester

Sam Chester is a cybersecurity expert and consultant from Georgia State University (GSU). He's also the founder of Cool Tech Zone, a blog dedicated to educating web users on cybersecurity issues and products.

Sarah Enderby


I am the millennial no one's ever heard of—the exception that proves the rule.

Scott Wilson

Product Manager

Foiler of malware. Foe of cybercriminals. Responsible for the malware sample management system that's at the core of the defense pipeline.

Seth Rosenblatt


Seth is Editor-in-chief of The Parallax. He has worked in online journalism since 1999, including a lengthy stint at CNET News, where he led coverage of security, privacy, and Google. Based in San Francisco, he also writes about connected technology and pop culture.

Simone Spencer

Director, Product Marketing

Simone is the Director of Global Product Marketing at Malwarebytes with over 20 years experience driving strategic growth and product visibility for US IT companies including Intel, Symantec, McAfee, and Hewlett-Packard.

Steven Burn

Malware Intelligence Analyst

Orca enthusiast. Loves nothing more than a clean machine—except maybe a good coffee and a Guinness.

Tammy Stewart

Senior Threat Operations Analyst

Threat hunter and all-around badass.

The Parallax

The Parallax is a tech security and privacy news blog founded by cybersecurity journalist Seth Rosenblatt, with contributions from a roster of nearly 50 industry experts, researchers, and reporters.

Thomas Reed

Director of Mac & Mobile

Had a Mac before it was cool to have Macs. Self-trained Apple security expert. Amateur photographer.

Vasilios Hioureas

Reverse engineer, software developer, malware analyst, smart city hacker, RF hacker, IOT exploit researcher.

Vishal Thakur

InfoSec researcher specializing in Incident Response and Malware Analysis. Currently working for Salesforce in CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Team), and before that was part of the CSIRT for Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

Wendy Zamora

Editor-at-Large, Malwarebytes Labs

Writer, editor, and author specializing in security and tech. Content guru. Lover of meatballs.

T. Student

Still learning.


Malware Intelligence Analyst

Unpacks malware with as much joy as a kid unpacking candies.