E-ZPass Malware mails have been bouncing around for the last month or so, and it appears they’re still very much in business. The emails haven’t changed very much, however:
Dear customer,You have not paid for driving on a toll road. This invoice is sent repeatedly, please service your debt in the shortest possible time.
The invoice can be downloaded here.

These pieces of spam are identical to the older mails. They also use the well-worn tactic of including the malicious file in a zip, and making the executable inside look like a Word Document.

That’s why enabling the display of file extensions is a good idea (Organise / Folder and Search Options / View / Untick “Hide extensions for known file types”.)

Even just right clicking / viewing properties could save you from a sticky situation.

Upon early inspection it appears to be yet another in the long line of Asprox files tied to this particular spamrun, and we’ll update this blog when further information becomes available. Not bothering to update their tactics will hopefully make it a lot easier for potential victims to spot these rogue emails and send them to the trash where they belong.
Christopher Boyd (Thanks to MrTom for sending this over)