Hey Folks!
I attended the BSides Austin 2015 conference this week and gave a talk about the basics of malware analysis called “Malware Analysis 101.”
I had a lot of great feedback from people about the presentation and a few folks asked me to host it online, so here it is.
I created a slide that acts as a kind of “cheat sheet” for the talk which lists the tools that I mention along with methodology and a bunch of useful resources for people who are interested in malware analysis. So I am going to post that particular slide here and a link to download the presentation.
Thanks and enjoy!

Links included:
- Lenny Zeltser Malware Analysis Webcast
- Lenny Zeltser Remnux Malware Analysis Tips
- Security Xploded – RE & MA
- Tuts4You
- Lena Reverse Engineering Tutorials
- Contagio – Lots of MA links
Full presentation download (zipped)
Note: I removed any GIF images from the presentation but if you want to see the one with GIFs included, please let me know via Twitter @kujman5000
Even More Resources!
You might also want to check out one of my older posts: So You Want To Be A Malware Analyst
As well as other Malware Analysis training we host on the Malwarebytes Blog:
- Five Anti-Debugging Tricks That Sometimes Fool Analysts
- Tools of the Trade: Exploit Kits
- Obfuscation: Malware’s best friend
- Nowhere to Hide: Three methods of XOR obfuscation
- My Memory Isn’t What It Used To Be: Part 2
- The Malware Archives: PDF Files
- Using YARA to attribute malware
- A Look at Malware with Virtual Machine Detection
- Using Good Code for Bad Things
- How to Unpack a Self-Injecting Citadel Trojan
- Malware with Packer Deception Techniques
- Automating Malware Analysis with Cuckoo Sandbox
- Five PE Analysis Tools Worth Looking At
- Much Ado About Browser Malware
- Malwarebytes Wants You! In The Fight Against Malware!
- The Malware That I Used To Know
- Phishing 101: Part 1
- Phishing 101: Part 2
- Phishing 101: Part 3
- Anonymizing Traffic for your Host System
Safe Surfing!