My Conversations with Cybersecurity Influencers

My Conversations with Cybersecurity Influencers

Today, we’re excited to be launching our thought leadership series entitled “Marcin’s Soundbytes.”

You’ll see me interview some of the savviest professionals in cybersecurity including leading analysts, executives, journalists and thought leaders.

We’ll cover topics such as the latest cyber attacks; good security hygiene; endpoint security versus perimeter security; steps to secure your online assets; the Internet of Things; and recent car hacking.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing another set of interviews. This week, we’ll be showcasing my interviews with Tim Wilson from Dark ReadingIra Winkler from the Irari Report; Rob Westervelt from IDC; and Andrew Lee, CEO of ESET.

I’d like to thank Ira, Rob, Maria and Andrew for taking the time to chat with me about what’s top of mind for them.

Check out the videos below (or here on YouTube) and let me know what you think either on YouTube, Facebook or Twitter.




Marcin Kleczynski

CEO and Co-Founder of Malwarebytes

Likes long walks on the beach and hates fish.