Policy for Malwarebytes Browser Guard

Last Updated: December 10, 2019

We believe you have the right to a malware-free existence. We also believe just as strongly that you have the right to privacy and know how we use your information. That’s why we support (and contribute to) the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other organizations devoted to protecting online privacy. This fundamental belief shapes our privacy policy below. Please, if you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us at privacy@malwarebytes.com.

Data that we collect is anonymized after collection and processing. What this means is that after we have processed the data, we cannot identify the specific user to whom the data came from. With that in mind, let’s look at the specific data we collect:

Excluded Domain Data
What is it?
If a user chooses to exclude a domain from the filtering of the Malwarebytes Browser Guard, we collect the domain address and domain type of that excluded domain.
Why do we collect it?
We analyze the excluded domains to help make our service better. For example, to determine if they have been originally detected as false positives. This helps us in improving our detection engine, which in turn, helps you reach the content you intended to.
Blocked Page Data
What is it?
If the Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocks a page, we collect information about the blocked page, such as the URL and the number of times the URL is blocked.
Why do we collect it?
Pages are blocked when they trigger a detection. We then analyze the blocked URL to review whether the block was accurate or could have been a false positive. This helps us in improving our detection engine, which in turn, helps you reach the content you intended to reach, while blocking harmful content that you want to avoid.
System Configuration Data
What is it?
We collect basic system configuration data including the browser type, version of browser, OS version, language of browser, and version of the Malwarebytes Browser Guard.
Why do we collect it?
This basic system configuration data allows us to improve compatibility of the Malwarebytes Browser Guard with the browsers and system configurations that our users are most frequently using. This helps us improve user experience by making the Malwarebytes Browser Guard widely accessible and yet finely tuned for various system configurations.
IP Address Data
What is it?
We collect geographic location data, including the IP address, type of connection (dialup/broadband/satellite/mobile), ISP through which the connection is made, organization to which the IP address is licensed.
Why do we collect it?
When we collect the system configuration data, as a byproduct of that interaction we also receive IP address data. We use the IP address to derive a broader geo-location area indicating the continent, country, city, and approximate latitude/ longitude of the user. However, we subsequently dispose of the IP address once we have derived this broader geo-location area. We use this data to track outbreaks and patterns of Detected Objects.
Telemetry Data
You may opt out of the collection of telemetry for Excluded Domains, Blocked Page, System Configuration, and IP Address data. To opt out please follow the instructions below.
– From the Browser Guard UI navigate to the Support page
– Untick the box that reads “Help us make things even better by anonymously sharing detection and device data with Malwarebytes”
– Telemetry collection will be disabled
Email Address
What is it?
An email box that can be used to contact you.
Why do we collect it?
For syncing your settings, serving as your login credentials, and communicating directly to you through your email address in order to give you information about our products, services, updates and upgrades.

Please, if you have any questions or suggestions, don’t hesitate to contact us at privacy@malwarebytes.com