The Women of Color (WOC) STEM Conference is an annual event I’ve only read about just recently, but it has been going on for about two decades this year.
Since its co-founding by Tyrone Taborn, this conference has been celebrating outstanding women achievers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) industries and their initiatives that improve people’s lives. They also aim to promote STEM education and careers to women in order to bridge that gap most of us are all too familiar with.
Taborn, who is also the publisher of the Women of Color Magazine and other publications, has announced the official social media hashtag for the event: #STEMisAGirlThing.
“#STEMisAGirlThing is an empowering hashtag that allows women to celebrate what they love and share their pride in STEM with their social media communities,” he said, “With this hashtag, we hope to build awareness of the need for women in STEM and to motivate girls to follow an educational path in the field.”
Every year, WOC has been granting the prestigious Women of Color (WOC) Technologist of the Year award to women whose innovation have brought great rewards to the organizations they work with and change to society. Some of these outstanding women came from companies like Verizon, Boeing, HP, Texas Instruments, Wal-Mart, IBM, and General Motors to name a few.
It’s saddening to realize that there isn’t much visibility about this event for the the many years it has been running. Thanks to social media, I and perhaps others out there are just beginning to get to know that a conference for women such as this continues to thrive today. If you, dear Reader, know girls who may be interested in pursuing courses in STEM or professional women working within it, we encourage you to spread the word about this conference as it is specifically tailored for them.
The Women of Color STEM Conference is scheduled for the 15th to the 17th of October at the Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan. You can refer to this website for more details.
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Jovi Umawing