Last week on the Labs blog, we looked at free VPN offerings, how malware can hinder vital emergency services, and explored how the Heartbleed vulnerability is still causing problems. We also talked about a large FTC settlement involving Google, and how to keep an eye out for leaky AWS buckets.
Other cybersecurity news
- The Cobalt Dickens group has returned to cause trouble. (Source: SecureWorks)
- Take a ticket…for fraud: Researchers discover a huge database tied to a ring of scammers. (Source: VPN Mentor)
- Mo money, mo problems: A Toyota subsidiary is hit hard with a $37 million business email compromise loss. (Source: Infosecurity Magazine)
- AI superbrawl on the way? One researcher suggests people may soon have to make use of AI to turn the tide against those who use it maliciously. (Source: The Register) Interestingly, Labs posed this idea, too—back in June. (Source: Malwarebytes Labs blog)
- Drone wars: After multiple incidents related to drones disrupting flights at international airports, it appears law enforcement has managed to prevent at least once such bout of aerial hijinks. (Source: Met Police)
- Banking on trouble: A study finds retail banks need to do more to integrate their approach to fighting crime. (Source: Help Net Security)
- Mac attack: Phishing scams aimed at Mac users are on the rise. (Source: Tech Republic)
- A familiar face returns? A campaign with links to Ryuk ransomware is hunting for financial, military, and law enforcement data. (Source: Dark Reading)
- Mobile carriers battle malware: Providers identify attacks targeting vulnerabilities in certain SIM cards. (Source: RTE)
- Guess who: Facebook scam using pictures of your friends to appear more convincing returns. (Source: News 5 Cleveland)
Stay safe, everyone!