What angered us most about cybersecurity in 2021: Lock and Code S03E01

What angered us most about cybersecurity in 2021: Lock and Code S03E01

We are just three days into 2022, which means what better time for a 2021 retrospective? But rather than looking at the biggest cyberattacks of last year—which we already did—or the most surprising—like we did a couple of years ago—we wanted to offer something different for readers and listeners.

On today’s episode of Lock and Code, with host David Ruiz, we spoke with Malwarebytes Labs’ editor-in-chief Anna Brading and Labs’ writer Mark Stockley about what upset them the most about cybersecurity in 2021. These two have seen it all in the past year, helping either assign, write, edit, and publish every single blog that went onto Malwarebytes. That means every ransomware attack, every inadequate backup, every VPN blunder, and every industry-shifting vulnerability, has been reviewed, read, and understood by our guests. And for everything covered on Lock and Code in 2021? Well, host David Ruiz joins the conversation this time, equipped with any information he gleaned about cybersecurity basics, critical infrastructure, and much more.

Interestingly, when you get a trio of news writers into the same (Zoom) room to talk about a certain industry, they also, invariably, begin talking about how that industry was reported on. Like Mark Stockley said in today’s episode, his top complaint about cybersecurity in 2021 wasn’t even about the industry’s failings, but about the way that newspapers and outlets write about the industry.

I think that there’s a sort of dispassionate view of the world that comes through in a lot of cybersecurity news that’s kind of calling balls and strikes, as if computer security is a thing that happens to computers.

Mark Stockley

Tune in to hear all this and more on this week’s Lock and Code podcast—the first episode in our third season—by Malwarebytes Labs.

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