If there’s one place where the impact of cybercrime is being felt recently, it’s in the UK.
The recent TalkTalk hack has dominated headlines, and showed in lurid detail how a major hack not only has a big impact on customers, but also its effect on business value as a whole. For this reason, it seemed like an interesting time for me to visit.
The main reason for my trip to London was to host a roundtable discussion with key cybersecurity journalists on the topic of malvertising.

The discussion centered on how, despite it being a relatively old threat vector, the bad guys are still innovating and infecting lots of people and businesses through malicious ads.
Regular readers of our Malwarebytes Unpacked blog will know this is something we are hot on, and we will continue to expose these campaigns to keep people and businesses safe. Our senior security researcher, Jerome Segura, joined the discussion to share some eye-opening detail on the latest malvertising and exploit techniques.
Cybersecurity lawyer Mark Taylor, a Partner at law firm Osborne Clarke added some legal color to the discussion. The firm is renowned for their work in the tech space.
The next morning, I was interviewed on BBC Business Live. We had a good discussion on all aspects of cybercrime. Being in front of millions of people on live TV kept me on my toes, but hopefully it was a worthwhile watch.
My last stop in London was at the Google Campus for a panel with Silicon Valley Comes To The UK entitled: ‘What businesses are hot in the Valley right now?’ If you didn’t manage to follow the Periscope on our Twitter, it threw up a bunch of interesting questions around what it means to be an entrepreneur, and hopefully gave a bit of insight into the blood, sweat, and tears it takes to build a business to scale. This is a topic I’m passionate about, which hopefully came through.
The last part of my whistle-stop tour was F.ounders, an exclusive and fun event that is part of Dublin Web Summit. I want to say a big thank you to Paddy and his team for a great time in Dublin. I will definitely be back. I met several other CEOs running some of the most successful companies worldwide. Ironically, many discussions revolved around security. What a great way to end the trip.
Marcin Kleczynski @mkleczynski