This week on Lock and Code, we discuss the top security headlines generated right here on Labs and around the Internet. In addition, we talk to Akshay Bhargava, Chief Product Officer of Malwarebytes, about the similarities between coronavirus and computer viruses. We discuss computer virus prevention, detection, and response, and the simple steps that consumers and businesses can take today to better protect themselves from a spreading cyberattack.
Tune in for all this and more on the latest episode of Lock and Code, with host David Ruiz.
You can also find us on the Apple iTunes store, on Google Play Music, plus whatever preferred podcast platform you use.
We cover our own research on:
- A security labeling scheme intending to make purchasing a little safer for consumers.
- Malvertisers abusing our branding to launch bogus campaigns.
- Credit card skimming scoring a big increase in March.
- APTs making use of coronavirus as bait for their attacks.
Plus other cybersecurity news:
- Social media takedowns: There’s an increase in requests for large platforms to tackle coronavirus misinformation. (Source: Reuters)
- Microsoft covers some bases: An excellent insight into how their ownership of a specific domain keeps things a little bit more secure for people. (Source: The Register)
- Avoiding bad apps is a smart move: Researchers explain how a specific form of Android Trojan is as good as impossible to remove. (Source: Securelist)
- Dangerous frequencies: An exploration of how radio frequencies can invite trouble into your network. (Source: Help Net Security)
- Traffic diversion: A Russian State telecommunications provider runs into a sticky case of Internet traffic route chaos, and people want to know why. (Source: Information Week)
Stay safe, everyone!