Download Restriction

Sorry, it seems like you are unable to download Malwarebytes. 

This restriction is based on your current location.

Why can’t I download Malwarebytes here? 

Our geo-location solution indicates that you are in a country or region where Malwarebytes does not offer its solutions. 

Why does Malwarebytes do this?

Malwarebytes solutions are only available in certain countries or regions.  This may be for a number of reasons, including complying with export control regulations and international sanctions. This may include preventing downloads in sanctioned countries. Compliance with these regulations is mandatory for us. 

What if I am just traveling? 

If you are only temporarily in this area, you will be able to download Malwarebytes products once you are back in a non-restricted region or country. 

Learn More

For more information about US export compliance, visit