
Short bio
This variant of the Tiny Trojan uses social engineering and screen overlays to send SMS messages.
Type and source of infection
SMS Trojan’s often target the pocket books of their victims, SMS.Tiny definitely falls in this category. These apps vary from legitimate apps recompiled with the malicious code, straight up malicious apps with a fake name, and apps with fake download links.
Infection occurs when an app with malicious code is installed. The SMS messages are typically sent without the user’s knowledge and have a fee associated with them.
The best protection is to install mobile apps from a trusted source and read reviews. Running anti-malware like Malwarebytes for Android will help with an extra layer of protection.
Malwarebytes for Android protects against Android/Trojan.SMS.Tiny.

Identifying and removing the offending app can be difficult because of the rooting that occurs and other evasive measures used by the Trojan. That is where Malwarebytes for Android can help by identifying these apps and remove.