
detection icon

Short bio

The domain godpvqnszo.com was blocked by Malwarebytes because it is associated with malvertising.

Malicious behavior

Websites in this domain are part of a redirect scheme as part of a malvertising campaign.


Malwarebytes blocks the domain godpvqnszo.com because it is associated with malvertising.

Malwarebytes blocks godpvqnszo.com
Malwarebytes blocks godpvqnszo.com


Should users wish to visit a blocked Domain and exclude it from being blocked, they can add it to the exclusions list. Here’s how to do it.

  • Open Malwarebytes for Windows.
  • Click the Detection History
  • Click the Allow List
  • To add an item to the Allow List, click Add.
  • Select Allow a website.
  • Select Add a URL and enter the domain that you wish to exclude.
  • Click on Done and the domain should appear in your Allow List.