No Man's Sky Beta: Fake

No Man’s Sky Beta: Fake

Hello Games, creators of upcoming procedurally generated space adventure No Man’s Sky, sounded the alarm on a fake Beta website.

No need to panic, this isn’t a malware distribution campaign or anything like that. It’s your common or garden survey scam nonsense.

The site in question is


No Man, No beta

Clicking the button will present the end-user with survey pages tailored to their geographical location, and the offers are everything from the usual “give us your personal information” questions to downloads of various programs.

Question time

Here’s a sample survey question page:

Fill this in....

Here’s a sample download in the form of FLV Player, and of course it comes bundled with additional software:

VLC Download

Users of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware will find that detect the above as PUP.Optional.Somoto.

As much as you may want to jump on board a beta for No Man’s Sky, it simply doesn’t exist yet and you shouldn’t fall for this one – all you’ll achieve is some affiliate cash for the scammers and a couple of potentially unwanted additions to your software collection.

Christopher Boyd


Christopher Boyd

Former Director of Research at FaceTime Security Labs. He has a very particular set of skills. Skills that make him a nightmare for threats like you.