As much as everyone know that it’s football season, it’s also summer. Hurrah!
For those who are still in the middle of planning on a trip with family or friends, preparing for That Day is an essential step not to miss.
And for most of us, part of that preparation is getting healthy, looking fit (thus, good) before hitting the beach.
A word of caution, dear Reader: there are sites out there ready to pounce on unwary internet users browsing the Web in search of the latest diet craze, fitness regimens of their favourite celebrities, or healthy recipes that are easy to whip up.
Depending on how you combine certain keywords like “summer” and “diet” in your search, you may find yourselves ending up with results that lead to sites such as the below:

Is this J.Lo’s secret?

As you can see, these are bogus domains using TMZ and Good Housekeeping (a popular magazine brand) to promote the Garcinia diet drug, aka “Gambooge”—a scam that is not unknown to us.
Clicking the links of related news on these pages direct users to any of the following pages:

Sample 1 of a page selling Garcinia

Sample 2 of a page selling Garcinia
Malware Intelligence Analyst Chris Boyd has written extensively about this campaign last year. You may check out the scam timeline he put together here if you’re curious to find out more.
Links to Garcinia scams can be shared via email through compromised accounts and social networks like Twitter, Tumblr, and Instagram.
That said, we should remain cautious about clicking links from others wherever we are online.
Jovi Umawing