Here’s a review of last week’s posts on Malwarebytes Unpacked:
- Have scammers caught up with Super 15, too? Always be cautious when presented with streaming services for sporting events you’d like to see – you never know what you’ll end up with.
- Britain’s Got Talent – and Twitter Spam. Celebrities with high follower counts on Twitter can become problematic if their accounts are compromised…
- “Window Live Network Online Award Program” 419 Scam. A reworked attempt on the part of 419 scammers to fool people out of their hard-earned money, but with any luck they won’t get too far with this one.
- Origin is giving away games and coins – not! The Origin game client continues to attract fakeouts and scams, with a set of phishes to avoid.
- Spammers rice to the occasion: Spammers don’t really care what sites they clog up with their nonsense, and here’s an example of a site trying to do good work fending off a rash of utterly random spam links.
- Askmen(dot)compromised again: We take a look at what happens when hackers pay a repeat visit to a formerly compromised website.
Top news stories:
- Trend Micro have noticed rogue links circulating on Twitter which ride on the coat-tails of news about Flight MH17.
- Great analysis of data found in a Twitter phish where the thieves left the data sitting around in public over on (technically the blog is from yesterday but it was reported on the 14th so it still counts).
- Compromised pornography sites are covered at Welivesecurity, with banking credentials being the ultimate target.
- It’s gone! Now it’s back! But maybe only some of it! The Google data hiding dance, courtesy of Naked Security.
That’s all for this week. Stay safe!
Christopher Boyd