Facebook Hacks and SMS, Oh My

Scam Banking on Roller Coaster Disaster Seen in the Wild

In case you’re looking out for current Facebook phishing campaigns, we may have one for you.


click to enlarge

(Shocking Video) 17 Dead in a roller coaster accident!

Warning: Due to Graphic Content, Viewer Discretion is ADVISED! Please select the Verify Button and Share to confirm you are over 18.

Select the pay button below and verify you are over 18 by logging back in your facebook.

availitnow[DOT]pw/rollercoasterwin is just one of the many live phishing URLs like it that we’ve seen in the wild; however, the good news is that we have yet to see them actively being shared via social networks and other public platforms.

Clicking the image directs users to the phishing page, as shown below:


click to enlarge

Facebook Login

Warning: The material you are about to view may contain graphic content. Please log in to verify you are 18 and over.

Whether the text boxes are filled out with real or bogus credentials, random characters, or are left blank, clicking the Log in button leads users to an actual YouTube video of a compilation of roller coaster disasters.

This isn’t the first time that scammers have used theme park accidents as bait to get users to spread the scam for them. In June of this year, the bad guys were quick to jump in on the Alton Tower crash but they were found out by our researchers before their campaign fooled a lot users on Twitter who were closely following the news as events unfold.

Another report, such as the supposed accident at Universal Studios that led to multiple deaths, has also been debunked by experts.

In case you encounter news of disasters in your social network feeds in the future, we advise you to verify their truthfulness first before clicking something that may actually be a threat to your personal information and identity.

Jovi Umawing


Jovi Umawing

Knows a bit about everything and a lot about several somethings. Writes about those somethings, usually in long-form.