Last week, we gave you some tips for the inevitable online chaos that is Cyber Monday, explained how “trusted” root certificates can sometimes be anything but, and explored the strange world of catphishing. We also pulled apart some malware found on Google Play and laid out the specifics of the cloud in simple terms.
Other news
- London Metropolitan Police aren’t massively keen on facial recognition technology. (source: The Register)
- Fake News is a bigger problem than just in the realm of the political. (source: Digital Shadows)
- Banking Trojans won’t be going away anytime soon—here’s another one! (source: Security Intelligence)
- Why do bug bounty hunters, er, hunt bug bounties? Study available here. (source: Help Net Security)
- That camera in your home may have a vulnerability lurking. (source: Talos Security)
- A legitimate email appears to be phishy fun with the Punisher. (source: io9)
- Hide your Facebook and Twitter from this piece of malware. (source: CNet)
Stay safe everyone!