A golden egg on a white background

Malwarebytes Easter egg!

Hey, did you just Google “Malwarebytes Easter egg” to find the secret we hid in the 5th generation of Malwarebytes for Windows? High five! That’s pretty smart. But it isn’t going to be that easy!

Here are 5 hints to guide your journey:

  1. The key to finding the Easter egg is a feature you’ve used to discover other secrets, like hidden threats lurking on your device.
  2. A moment in time, brief yet significant, serves as the key.
  3. Now is a good time to pause and reflect on your search.
  4. This Easter egg does not offer new functionality, nor does it unveil groundbreaking features. Instead, it serves as a testament to the playful spirit that resides within the hearts of those who create security products to secure our digital world. It’s a reminder that behind the lines of code, there are creators who embrace joy and creativity.
  5. This is the fifth hint.

We encourage you to share your journey, not the solution, fostering a sense of community and collective wonder. We hope it serves as a reminder that our digital tools are created by humans, for humans.

Who says security can’t be fun?