Lock and Code S1Ep10: Pulling apart the Internet of Things with JP Taggart

Lock and Code S1Ep12: Pinpointing identity and access management’s future with Chuck Brooks

This week on Lock and Code, we discuss the top security headlines generated right here on Labs and around the Internet. In addition, we talk to Chuck Brooks, cybersecurity evangelist and adjunct professor for Georgetown University’s Applied Intelligence Program and graduate Cybersecurity Programs, about identity and access management technology.

This set of technologies and policies controls who accesses what resources inside a system—from company files being locked away for only some employees, to even your online banking account being accessible only to you.

But with more individuals using more accounts to access more resources than ever before, threats have similarly emerged.

Tune in to hear about the uses of identity and access management technology, how the tech will be influenced by other technologies in the future, and more, on the latest episode of Lock and Code, with host David Ruiz.

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Stay safe, everyone!