This week on Lock and Code, we discuss the top security headlines generated right here on Labs. In addition, we speak to Point3 Security chief strategist Chloé Messdaghi, HaveIBeenPwned founder Troy Hunt, and We Hack Purple founder and CEO Tanya Janca about security fatigue.
Security fatigue is exactly what it sounds like. It’s the limit we all reach when security best practices become overbearing. It’s what prevents us from making a strong password for a new online account. It’s why we may not update our software despite repeated notifications.
And, importantly, it probably isn’t your fault.
Tune in to learn about security fatigue from the experts—how does it manifest in their professions, what have they seen, and what are the unforeseen outcomes to it—on the latest episode of Lock and Code, with host David Ruiz.
You can also find us on the Apple iTunes store, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, plus whatever preferred podcast platform you use.
We cover our own research on:
- Research claims Pixel phones share 20 times more data than iPhones
- Has Facebook leaked your phone number?
- Aurora campaign: Attacking Azerbaijan using multiple RATs
- Pre installed auto installer threat found on Android devices in Germany
- Fake Trezor app steals more than $1 million worth of crypto coins
- SAP warns of malicious activity targeting unpatched systems
- Zoom zero day discovery makes calls safer, hackers $200,000 richer
Other cybersecurity news:
- Vulnerabilities cause headaches for QNAP (Source: The Register)
- Preventing cyberattacks during tax season (Source: Help Net Security)
- Call of Duty cheats expose gamers to malware (Source: Threat Post)
- Avoiding Instagram scams (Source: Business 2 Community)
- Hackers steal security camera footage, sell it on as “home videos” (Source: SCMP)
Stay safe!