Identity Theft Protection

Outline icon of a hand holding a generic coin with a U.S. dollar symbol on it

Financial loss:
Thieves can use your info to make purchases, open new accounts, or take out loans in your name, leading to significant financial damage.

Online icon of three generic human heads, one filled in solid, the others in outline

Emotional distress:
Having your private info stolen and available online can be draining and stressful, causing anxiety and a loss of trust.

Outline icon of a clock

Time and effort demands:
  Restoring your identity can be time-consuming and complex, involving contacting various agencies and providing documentation.

Older couple, one sits and one stands at a dining table looking at a laptop. Icons of gears and checkmarks to indicate identity recovery are in the background behind them.

Identity recovery & resolution

Get step-by-step phone-based guidance after an incident to restore your identity and recoup losses – all backed by a $1 million USD ID theft insurance policy.

Multi generational familiy making faces and looking at a photo taken of them on a mobile phone.
blue outlined icon of two chat bubbles connected by a lock icon

Identity monitoring & alerts

Get rapid alerts & action steps if your data is being illegally traded or sold across the Dark Web and more.

A man sits at a dining table and his young son is in his lap. They are looking at a laptop while icons of computer monitors and exclaimation points are in the background behind them to indicate monitoring and alerts.

Enhanced Social Media Identity Monitoring

Helps you monitor Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram accounts for suspicious activity, malicious links and files, and scams.

All single-device identity plans include Individual Identity Theft Protection for 1 adult, and
multi-device plans include Family Identity Theft Protection coverage for up to 2 adults and 10 kids.

Identity Theft Protection products are not available in all countries or territories. See here for details.

Already a Malwarebytes customer? Log into My Account to add Identity Theft Protection to your subscription.


Device security, privacy, & identity protection plus $1 million USD in insurance.

Starting at

[ List Price ]/yr.

What’s included:

  • Premium Security, Browser
    Guard, & Privacy VPN
  • Identity Select:
    * $1 million USD identity insurance
    * Rapid identity monitoring & alerts
    * Live agent recovery & restoration



Boost your protection with advanced social media monitoring.

Starting at

[ Purchase Price ]/yr.

What’s included:

  • Premium Security, Browser
    Guard, & Privacy VPN
  • Identity Total:
    * $1 million USD identity insurance
    * Rapid identity monitoring & alerts
    * Live agent recovery & restoration
    * Advanced social media monitoring

Learn more about the features of our Identity Protection services

Identity Threat Alert

Dark Web Monitoring

Identity Theft Insurance

Live Agent Fully Managed Restoration

Lost Wallet Assistance

Live Agent Customer Service

Advanced Social Media Identity Monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

How many individuals are covered with Identity Theft Protection?

I’m already a Malwarebytes customer, how can I upgrade to these plans?

After purchasing, how can I access my Identity Theft Protection services?

What products are included in these plans?

What’s the difference between Free and Premium Security products?