Last week on Malwarebytes Labs, we took a look at the potential pitfalls of facial recognition technology, looked at ways domestic abuse survivors can secure their data, and explored the education threat landscape. We also kicked off a series looking at the Hidden Bee infection chain, and put QxSearch installs under the spotlight.
Other cybersecurity news
- Android malware plays hide and seek: warning issued as infection claims to be Adobe Flash player. (Source: Forbes)
- Keeping an eye on you: Email-delivered infection compromises PCs and records desktop activity. (Source: The Next Web)
- Hide and seek: Miner tries to go undercover when victim looks at Task Manager. (Source: Coindesk)
- Custom 404 pages lead to phish attacks: Microsoft reports an attack by scammers making full use of perfectly-crafted error pages. (Source: Bleeping Computer)
- Cabarrus County in North Carolina hit with costly attack: City representatives fooled by a social engineer parted with some $2.5 million dollars. (Source: Government Technology)
- Poor password practice revelations: A Google Chrome extension highlights that we could do much better when told about exposed passwords. (Source: The Register)
- Facebook, meet class action lawsuit: Facebook users may shortly be going to war with the social media giant over the use of facial recognition technology. (Source: Naked Security)
- Swatting danger rears head once more: The Fortnite World Cup Champion recently suffered a dangerous Swat attack at his home. (Source: Kotaku)
- Of war and databases: Want to see what happens when users of hacking sites decide to target another one? Of course you do. (Source: Ars Technica)
- Google makes Nest cam easier to spot: The tech giant announces major changes to the status lights function on Nest cameras. (Source: Matt Crampton blog)
Stay safe, everyone!