Last week, some 400-plus attendees listened to a wide variety of infosec topics at the ninth annual IRISSCON, Ireland’s longest-running security…
Month: November 2017
Persistent drive-by cryptomining coming to a browser near you
Since our last blog on drive-by cryptomining, we are witnessing more and more cases of abuse involving the infamous Coinhive service…
Terror exploit kit goes HTTPS all the way
We’ve been following the Terror exploit kit during the past few months and observed notable changes in both its redirection mechanism…
Mobile Menace Monday: Chrome declares war on unwanted redirects
As it was introduced earlier this year, Google is initiating their plan to implement a few new changes in Chrome to…
A week in security (November 20 – November 26)
Last week, we warned you about a new method by which the Mac malware OSX.Proton is being spread, we informed you…
Terdot Trojan likes social media
We usually advise people that have fallen victim to banker Trojans to change all their passwords, especially the ones that are…
Text messages and the Bitcoin Code: follow the money trail
I was a bit surprised to receive lots of messages similar to the one below this past week: I mean, we’ve…
How the EU intends to battle fake news
Last week the European Union issued a press release to announce their next steps against fake news. These steps will be…
OSX.Proton spreading through fake Symantec blog
Sunday night, a series of tweets from security researcher @noarfromspace revealed a new variant of the OSX.Proton malware, spreading in a…
A week in security (November 13 – November 19)
Last week, we gave you some tips for the inevitable online chaos that is Cyber Monday, explained how “trusted” root certificates…