Results for 'botnet'
How to tell if a VPN app added your Windows device to a botnet
May 31, 2024 - This post will help users find out if their Windows device has been added to the 911 S5 botnet by a malicious VPN application
Short bio Botnets are networks of computers infected by a botnet agent that are under hidden control of a third party....
Sysrv botnet is out to mine Monero on your Windows and Linux servers
May 18, 2022 - In a Twitter thread, the Microsoft Security Intelligence team have revealed new information about the latest versions of the Sysrv botnet....
Realtek-based routers, smart devices are being gobbled up by a voracious botnet
August 24, 2021 - A few weeks ago we blogged about a vulnerability in home routers that was weaponized by the Mirai botnet just two...
Android devices caught in Matryosh botnet
February 9, 2021 - Researchers at Netlab have discovered a new botnet that re-uses the Mirai framework to pull vulnerable Android devices into DDoS attacks....
Electrum DDoS botnet reaches 152,000 infected hosts
April 29, 2019 - By Jérôme Segura, Adam Thomas, and S!Ri We have been closely monitoring the situation involving the continued attacks against users of...
Malwarebytes helps take down massive ad fraud botnets
November 28, 2018 - On November 27, the US Department of Justice announced the indictment of eight individuals involved in a major ad fraud case...
Tech support scams, stolen data, and botnets
December 15, 2016 - NOTE: thanks to the Wack0lian for research contributions It would seem that scams as a service are a growth business...
Inside Neutrino botnet builder
August 19, 2015 - It is common practice among cybercriminals to sell their products in the form of packages, consisting of: Such packages are commercial...
The Facts about Botnets
February 6, 2015 - What is a botnet? Although not malware themselves and originally even designed to be helpful, botnets are currently considered the biggest...