Malwarebytes Annual State of Malware Report Reveals Ransomware Detections Increased More Than 90 Percent

Malwarebytes™ today released a security research report analyzing the top malware threats for 2017. The findings, presented in the Malwarebytes Cybercrime Tactics and Techniques: 2017 State or Malware Report, illustrate a significant shift in attack methodology, a distinct evolution in the predominant attack tools and a distinct divergence in the types of attacks against businesses from attacks against consumers.

Protecting Our Digital Streets From The New Cyber Mafia

Cybercrime has become the biggest threat to digital information, causing reputational and financial damage to businesses and consumers around the globe. The pace at which cybercrime has evolved since the 1980s is a concern for businesses that have become increasingly dependent on computers to house sensitive and proprietary data.

Alleged Fruitfly macOS spyware author indicted

The mystery of the Fruitfly macOS malware has apparently been solved: a 28-year-old man from Ohio has been charged on Wednesday of allegedly creating and installing the malware on thousands of computers for more than 13 years!

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