Exploit kit activity has been relatively quiet for some time, with the occasional malvertising campaign reminding us that drive-by downloads are…
Tag: exploit kit
Electrum Bitcoin wallets under siege
By Adam Thomas and Jérôme Segura, with additional contributions from Vasilios Hioueras and S!Ri Since at least late December 2018, many…
Vidar and GandCrab: stealer and ransomware combo observed in the wild
We have been tracking a prolific malvertising campaign for several weeks and captured a variety of payloads, including several stealers. One…
A week in security (December 17 – 23)
Last week on Labs we looked at Fuchsia OS as a possible alternative for Android, explained all the reasons why cybercriminals…
Exploit kits: fall 2018 review
Exploit kit (EK) activity continues to surprise us as the weather cools, the leaves change, and we move into the fall of…
Magnitude exploit kit switches to GandCrab ransomware
The GandCrab ransomware is reaching far and wide via malspam, social engineering schemes, and exploit kit campaigns. On April 16, we…
Hermes ransomware distributed to South Koreans via recent Flash zero-day
This blog post was authored by @hasherezade, Jérôme Segura and Vasilios Hioureas. At the end of January, the South Korean Emergency…
Avzhan DDoS bot dropped by Chinese drive-by attack
The Avzhan DDoS bot has been known since 2010, but recently we saw it in wild again, being dropped by a…
Drive-by download campaign targets Chinese websites, experiments with exploits
During our web crawls we sometimes come across bizarre findings or patterns we haven’t seen before. This was the case with…
Disdain exploit kit and a side of social engineering deliver Neutrino Bot
Today we picked up new activity from an exploit kit that was first discovered back in August of this year. The…